WordPress - Pages WORDPRESS

WordPress - Pages  

WordPress - Pages

WordPress - Add Pages

Adding pages is similar to adding posts in WordPress. 

The following are the simple steps to add pages in WordPress.

Step (1) − Click on Pages → Add New as shown in the following screenshot.


Step (2) − You will get the editor page as seen in the following screenshot. The editor page has two tabs, Visual and Text. You can insert text in either of these. Here, we'll study about inserting text into Visual format.


The following are the details of the fields on the editor page of the Add New Page.


It is used to write the title of the article, which is later displayed on the page.

Permalink shows the potential URL for the page below the title. The URL generates as per the given title.



It is a WYSIWYG editor, which is similar to a word processor interface where you can edit the contents of the article.

The following are the options present of WYSIWYG editor −

  • Bold Button − Used to bold your font.

  • Italic − Used to italicize the font.

  • Word Strike − Strikes through the content.

  • Bullet List − Adds bullets to content.

  • Number List − Adds numbers to the list of the content.

  • Blockquote − Quotes the text.

  • Horizontal Line − Creates a horizontal line between sentences.

  • Left Align − Sets the content on the left side of the page.

  • Right Align − Sets the content to the right side of the page.

  • Justify − Justifies the content of the page.

  • Add Link − Adds a link to your content. When you click on this button, the following page gets displayed.


To publish the page to the user on the website.

Page Attribute

Page attributes module allows you to select the parents for your particular page. You can also set the order of the pages.

  • Parent − Allows you to select the parent page.

  • Order − Sets the order of the page.

Step (2) Explain − You will get the editor as shown in the following screenshot. You can use the WordPress WYSIWYG editor to add the actual content of your page.


Step (3) − Click on the Publish button as shown in the following screen.

WordPress - Edit Pages

Edit − Click on Edit option in About Us as shown in the following screenshot.


You can edit or change the content or title from the page as per your need, and then click on the Update button as shown in the following screen.


WordPress - Delete Pages

The following are the steps to Delete pages in WordPress.

(1) − Click on the Trash option to delete the post.


(2) − Or alternatively, you can also delete your page directly while editing or adding page by clicking on the Move to Trash button as shown in the following screen.



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