JavaScript Math Object JAVASCRIPT

JavaScript Math Object  

JavaScript Math Object

JavaScript - Math.PI

Math.PI return the value of PI


Math.PI;            // returns 3.141592653589793

JavaScript - Math.round()

Math.round(x) returns the value of x rounded to its nearest integer.


Math.round(4.7);    // returns 5
Math.round(4.4);    // returns 4

JavaScript - Math.pow()

Math.pow(x, y) returns the value of x to the power of y:


Math.pow(8, 2);      // returns 64

JavaScript - Math.sqrt()

Math.sqrt(x) returns the square root of x.


Math.sqrt(64);      // returns 8

JavaScript - Math.abs()

Math.abs(x) returns the absolute (positive) value of x.


Math.abs(-4.7);     // returns 4.7

JavaScript - Math.ceil()

Math.ceil(x) returns the value of x rounded up to its nearest integer.


Math.ceil(4.4);     // rMath.ceil(4.4);     // returns 5eturns 5

JavaScript - Math.floor()

Math.floor(x) returns the value of x rounded down to its nearest integer.


Math.floor(4.7);    // returns 4

JavaScript - Math.sin()

Math.sin(x) returns the sine (a value between -1 and 1) of the angle x (given in radians).

If you want to use degrees instead of radians, you have to convert degrees to radians:

Angle in radians = Angle in degrees x PI / 180.


Math.sin(90 * Math.PI / 180);     // returns 1 (the sine of 90 degrees)

JavaScript - Math.cos()

Math.cos(x) returns the cosine (a value between -1 and 1) of the angle x (given in radians).

If you want to use degrees instead of radians, you have to convert degrees to radians:

Angle in radians = Angle in degrees x PI / 180.


Math.cos(0 * Math.PI / 180);     // returns 1 (the cos of 0 degrees)

Math.min() and Math.max()

Math.min() and Math.max() can be used to find the lowest or highest value in a list of arguments.


Math.min(0, 150, 30, 20, -8, -200);  // returns -200

Math.max(0, 150, 30, 20, -8, -200);  // returns 150

JavaScript - Math.random()

Math.random() returns a random number between 0 (inclusive), and 1 (exclusive).


Math.random();     // returns a random number

Math Object Methods

Method Description
abs(x) Returns the absolute value of x
acos(x) Returns the arccosine of x, in radians
asin(x) Returns the arcsine of x, in radians
atan(x) Returns the arctangent of x as a numeric value between -PI/2 and PI/2 radians
atan2(y, x) Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments
ceil(x) Returns the value of x rounded up to its nearest integer
cos(x) Returns the cosine of x (x is in radians)
exp(x) Returns the value of Ex
floor(x) Returns the value of x rounded down to its nearest integer
log(x) Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of x
max(x, y, z, ..., n) Returns the number with the highest value
min(x, y, z, ..., n) Returns the number with the lowest value
pow(x, y) Returns the value of x to the power of y
random() Returns a random number between 0 and 1
round(x) Returns the value of x rounded to its nearest integer
sin(x) Returns the sine of x (x is in radians)
sqrt(x) Returns the square root of x
tan(x) Returns the tangent of an angle

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