C++ Comments C-PLUS-PLUS
- C++ Introduction
- C++ Syntax
- C++ Output (cout <<)
- C++ Comments
- C++ Variables
- C++ User Input
- C++ Data Types
- C++ Operators
- C++ Strings
- C++ Math
- C++ Booleans
- C++ If Else
- C++ Switch
- C++ While Loop
- C++ Do/While Loop
- C++ For Loop
- C++ Break and Continue
- C++ Arrays
- C++ References
- C++ Pointers
- C++ Functions
- C++ Functions Parameters
- C++ Function Overloading
- C++ OOP
- C++ Classes and Objects
- C++ Class Methods
- C++ Constructors
- Destructors in C++
- C++ Access Specifiers
- C++ Encapsulation
- C++ Inheritance
- C++ Polymorphism
- C++ Files
- C++ Exception Handling
C++ Comments
C++ Comments
Comments can be used to explain C++ code, and to make it more readable. It can also be used to prevent execution when testing an alternative code. Comments can be singled-lined or multi-lined.
Single-line comments start with two forward slashes (//
Any text which starts with //
and the end of the line is ignored by the compiler (will not be executed).
// This is a comment
cout << "Hello World!";OR
cout << "Hello World!"; // This is a comment
Hello World!
C++ Multi-line Comments
Multi-line comments start with /*
and ends with */
Any text between /*
and */
will be ignored by the compiler (will not be executed).
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;int main() {
/* The code below will print the words Hello World!
to the screen, and it is amazing */
cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;
Hello World!
It is up to you which you want to use. Normally, we use //
for short comments, and /* */
for longer.